Karl Ramberg
Older news

January 24, 2024 — It's been cold. Very cold. I saw a sun dog the other morning. Last night I read the Wikipedia article for Dark-eyed juncos. I read The Waste Land and got confused. I have an array of workprints from Point Nemo on my wall, it's starting to feel coherent. I turned my photography bookmarks folder into a webpage. Recent subjects from pictures include, but are not limited to: a burned-out house, a large dog, running shoes tied together and thrown over a powerline, an outhouse painted with sunflowers, pasta on the stove, and lots of ice and snow.

November 19, 2023 — It's been too warm for this time of year, climate change sucks. I was lucky to spend two weeks in Berlin in August. I'll try to work on a little book with the pictures I took soon. I've been shooting lots of color and sending things off to a lab in New York. Every winter, as usual, my dislike for social media grows. I think I love just updating this page and people can choose when (or if) to check it. This website layout is new, it took me far too long. I waffle back and forth about pages and how much to add and how polished things need to be; very uninteresting things. I need to take more pictures. I've decided that when (not if) I get a cat, I will name them either Eugène or Walker.

June 30, 2023 — I recommend Das Flüstern der Dinge by Thomas Krempke, it’s wonderful. At the very least it’s good motivation to work on my German. I graduated college last month, I turn 24 today. Last month I spent a week or so in northern Minnesota, hands down the best place on Earth. I tried to take pictures in a quarry and a mine but was turned away. Job applications are soul sucking.

April 8, 2023 — I got the “Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Art” award from my university that I didn’t know was a thing, so that’s kinda neat. View cameras are cool, for reasons I’ve never thought of before. I’m (very) slowly reading Crime and Punishment. I made a book of archival pictures about Russian Orthodoxy on Kodiak Island for my mother. At some point I'll upload pictures of it here. I’m working on a stupid dragonfly sculpture that is stupid and will go in the trash as soon as I get my grade for it.

March 13, 2023 — 9 by 6 or 8 by 7 was selected for my university’s annual juried exhibition. I read The Death of Ivan Ilyich, it is very much the gateway drug to Russian lit. I’m currently waiting on eighteen rolls to be developed and shipped back to me. Eighteen is an enormous amount for me.

February 23, 2023 — I've been enjoying and documenting unseasonably warm weather. I read To photograph is to learn how to die by Tim Carpenter and loved it. I'm working on a vase in a ceramics course. I built a desk a few months ago and it's starting to warp now. I just started a small book club with a few photographer friends. I'm graduating (twice) in a few months.

April 17, 2022 — Five pictures from Nemo are at the Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art in St. Joseph, Missouri until June 12th. My friend, Bryan Birks, said several kind words about me in a video. My BA thesis show was back in December at Truman State University (You can view a video walkthrough at youtu.be/8or_LN7rxnI). Last year, I wrote a review of Pine Valley by Robert Adams for Vessel Editions that I am still very pleased with.

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